
Welcome to our website!

After a vio­lence-rela­ted death of a sup­por­ter of Wer­der Bre­men befo­re a match, the HSV-Fan­pro­jekt was foun­ded in 1983 with the sup­port of the city of Hamburg.

The Fan­pro­jekt pro­vi­des sup­port and advice to young sup­por­ters of  Ham­bur­ger SV, espe­cial­ly tho­se bet­ween 13 and 27 years. At the end of the day though, we address our offers to all sup­por­ters of the club, some spe­cial ser­vices pro­vi­ded are focu­sed on so-cal­led “Ultra” supporters. 

Essen­ti­al objec­ti­ves of our work are the reduc­tion of all kinds of vio­lence and extre­mist ori­en­ta­ti­ons, self-affect atti­tu­des (e.g. drugs and alco­hol) of young peop­le and impar­ting demo­cra­tic and huma­ni­ta­ri­an princi­ples. We also try to empower young sup­por­ters to deve­lop self-este­em, sen­se of respon­si­bi­li­ty and enhan­ce their indi­vi­du­al skills.

Against this back­ground, we’ve got three core are­as of acti­vi­ty via which we are see­king to accom­plish our over­all objectives:

  • The Fan­haus
    • pre­mi­ses for all fans
    • drop-in ser­vices at the Fan­haus (group mee­tings, dif­fe­rent kinds of acti­vi­ties and tournaments)
    • ope­ning hours on week­days and on match-days

  • Following/Accompanying fans to foot­ball matches, pro­vi­si­on of tra­vel ser­vices, (foot­ball-) tournaments 
    • with per­ma­nent mee­ting point for fans insi­de the sta­di­um on match days
    • accom­pany­ing all matches of Ham­burg SV
    • orga­ni­zed tra­vel for teen­agers („Young-Sup­por­ters-Tours“) to away-matches 
    • orga­ni­sa­ti­on of several foot­ball tour­na­ments with up to 64 teams of fans

  • Pro­jects
    • exchan­ge pro­grams and jour­neys  e.g. to Fran­ce and Poland
    • (fan-) cul­tu­ral pro­jects (short movie pro­duc­tions, deve­lo­p­ment of theat­re plays by fans for fans, orga­ni­sa­ti­on of public fan sta­ge befo­re matches at the sta­di­um, spe­cial ser­vices and pro­jects pro­vi­ded to teen­agers and fema­le fans)

Fur­ther­mo­re, the mem­bers of staff speak up for fans rights and inte­rests towards insti­tu­ti­ons acti­ve in the foot­ball envi­ron­ment (clubs, alli­an­ces, poli­ce, secu­ri­ty). Also, the clo­se and trust­ful co-ope­ra­ti­on with the offi­cial Fan Liai­son Offi­cers on behalf of the club is fun­da­men­tal to our work and pro­vi­des the basis for an acti­ve, crea­ti­ve and effec­ti­ve work on behalf of all fans.